The death of misconception and religion

There was a time, when all people around the world feared their world and what might happen. They gained this fear from somewhere and now we know what.

At the beginning of this universe and time, Rak the god-and-magic-eating invisible dragon unicorn at all the gods and fairies at moment of their conception. When it was done and the universe became cozy, it pooped a rainbow throughout the galaxies to create life everywhere.

Humans evolved from the excrements of Rak, after he ate all the gods. Some of the basic instincts of what gods could have become were still infused in their DNA, like in all animals. The instinct to survive. But the gods didn’t survive, so humans made up stories that they could imagine what gods would have been like.

Humans created group gatherings and forced their ideas of what they imagined about the long lost god ideas. They used misinterpretation of signals in nature to support their ideas. Fear of grass? That had been the gods. Surviving a week of famine? That had been the gods. But all were misinterpretations by our ancestors.

Read more on the misinterpretations here